1575 Massachusetts Ave. Lexington, MA 02420
General Non-Emergency: 781-862-1212
This is a public records request form. For security purposes, the Town CANNOT accept new incident and accident reports through this form. If you are looking to report an incident or accident, please visit the Lexington Police Station (located at 1575 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington), or call 781-862-1212 to speak with an Officer.
Please select from the following:
Incident and accident reports cannot be submitted online.
To report a crime or incident, please visit the Police Station, located at 1575 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, or call 781-862-1212 to speak with an Officer.
Requestor Name:
Requestor Address:
Request to be returned via (Please choose one):
Date of Incident:
Location of Incident:
Signature of Requestor: